Sunday, July 29, 2012

Nintendo 3ds xl review

Yesterday I went to Gamestop to pick up my preordered red and black Nintendo 3ds xl.
The 3ds xl can do everything the other one could do. It only has a bigger screen and a 4 GB SD card.
I wanted to know how hard it is to transfer data form my normal 3ds to my brand new 3ds xl. It does not work by just trading SD cards, but Nintendo anounced a extra channel do downlaod for free to do easy data transfer. It is able to do all it was supposed to do. I was surprised they did not use the kind of stylus they did with the normal 3ds.

Longer battery life
Bigger screen
Sits well in your hand
4 GB SD card
Data transfer via extra channel
Easy place to pull your stylus out

Not the kind of stylus used in the normal 3ds
No charger included in box
Very heavy

1 comment:

  1. awesome review of the Nintendo 3DSXL I know it got a larger screen and it still a fun hand held Game Arcade I would like to pick up also so that I could play other Nintendo Games
